Wednesday, May 11, 2011

goodbye little car

My Geo Tracker is officially a girl's first car! Allison is an 18-year-old I worked with for a short time, and now my old car is her new car. She was very excited to get it, calling to ask her mom (from school, mind you; she's a senior) if she could put the top down to pick her up later. I had it for 10 long years, and was never it's biggest fan, but it took me through quite a bit of traveling, and it's weird to see it go. I'm glad that little car is going to be put to good use; hopefully it gives her a few good years.

I'm starting to feel anxious about this move. I made the trip fine three years ago, but back then I was driving my own car, with a GPS, and everything I owned fit inside of it. This time I have to rent a moving truck - I've never driven a large truck before - with just Google maps to lead the way, and I'm also worried about the weather. There're still storms brewing and major flooding throughout Louisiana and Mississippi, both of which I have to drive through (not to mention tornado-stricken Alabama). I've been reassured that a major interstate highway like I-10 would be fine, and I stay on that road just about the entire way to Atlanta. But it's still nervous-making.

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